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Nothing Ever Stays the Same

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “When your neighbor is out of work it is a recession, but when you are out of work it is a depression.” That quote came from Ronald Regan’s 1980 campaign. Think of it like this, you are a witness to bullying and know it is wrong. However, you do not want to get involved and sit back and watch. Witnesses also coward up and stay away from you and/or ignore you. Has a coworker ever removed you as their Facebook friend because you reported being bullied? People are cowards anymore and rather sit back and watch as long as they have a job. I was told years ago nothing ever stays the same. Remember that if you are being bullied, witness to bullying, or if you are a bully yourself. NOTHING EVER STAYS THE SAME!! Feel free to contact me at or Facebook page Inhumane Resources.

Who Am I?

I have been a victim of workplace bullying, nonsupport from human resources, and dealing unprofessional employers. The blog is for anyone who has ever dealt with terrible employees, human resources, or employers.

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