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Why Do People Bully???

Why do you people have to bully you in the workplace? Why can't you just do your job and go home? You can't trust anyone in the workplace because you never know who is out to get you. Dealing with a bully is a catch 22 for two reasons; the first reason is because if you don't stand up to the bully they will keep harassing you. However, if you tried to stand up for yourself then you will be viewed as a trouble maker. You can't confide in anyone because they will either stab you in the back or stop talking to you. Does anyone else agree? Please share your thoughts on the blog or email me at

Who Am I?

I have been a victim of workplace bullying, nonsupport from human resources, and dealing unprofessional employers. The blog is for anyone who has ever dealt with terrible employees, human resources, or employers.

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